What complaints do you work with ?


Osteopathy works on more complaints than you think!

Art by Dan Beckemeyer

Art by Dan Beckemeyer https://www.behance.net/dbeckemeyer

The most common complaint see by osteopaths is back pain and more accurately pain from the lower back and both Sacroiliac joints. The other common complaints are neck-to-knee joint pains.

Osteopathy can also work on carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica or other nerve pains, repetitive strain injury, headaches or migraines, asthma, arthritis, digestive problems, postural problems, sport injuries, whiplash etc.

Osteopathy is a solution for acute discomfort, but also helps to prevent future injuries.

During the day, we are subjected to mechanical stressors like gravity, poor posture and more or less significant shocks coupled with physical and emotional trauma, such as stress.

All of these attacks to the body leave little traces, such as small temporary pain, loss of mobility and usually muscle tension.

Our body has an extraordinary capacity to manage and offset the accumulated discomfort, but only to a certain limit. When you reach this limit your body is not able to manage anything else.

Sometimes, during a harmless movement, the body is placed off balance and the patient feels sharp and disabling pains that are known as so-called “wrong or bad movements”. Naturally, these issues may be healed by an osteopathic treatment.

It is essential to prevent these injuries or concerns by visiting an osteopath two or three times a year for maintenance.



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